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Gold nanowires And Its Multitude Of Applications

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The properties of nanowires have caused researchers and companies to consider using nanowires in several fields. With the passage of time studies have proved that nanowires play a very important role in the field of research.

Researchers at have developed a solar cell using graphene coated with zinc oxide nanowires. The researchers believe that this method will allow the production of low cost flexible solar cells at high enough efficiency to be competive. They plan to use self assembly techniques to align the nanowires on a substrate; forming a solar cell or other electrical devices.

The gold nanoparticles replace the silicon substrate on which conventional semiconductor based solar cells are built. Researchers are using a method called Aerotaxy to grow semiconducting nanowires on Gold nanowires. Researchers at Stanford University have grown silicon nanowires on a stainless steel substrate and demonstrated that batteries using these anodes could have up to 10 times the power density of conventional lithium ion batteries.

Using silicon nanowires, instead of bulk silicon fixes a problem of the silicon cracking that has been seen on electrodes using bulk silicon.

Gold Nanowires Applications

These nanowires is used as a photocatalysis to decompose organic molecules in polluted water. Using an electrified filter composed of Gold nanowires, carbon nanotubes and cotton to.

Using Gold nanowires embedded in a polymer to make conductive layers that can flex, without damaging the conductor. These nanowires make an excellent compound that helps us in different ways that is worth studying for its interesting properties.Gold nanowires And Its Multitude Of Applications